Episode 12

Published on:

1st Aug 2022

Independence & ME - Mental Resilience

Hello and welcome to Believe in ME with Rhona Barton.  In this week’s episode I’m going to be chatting to you about Independence & ME.  What I mean by that, is Mental Resilience.

Don’t forget that you can review, share & subscribe to the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. 

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As we all know by now, when you have an ME diagnosis, you lose a lot of things.  Aspects of your life that you always believed would be in your control are suddenly being controlled or looked after by other people. 

I remember this specifically during my time in hospital.  It seemed that my opinion or what I wanted didn’t matter.  I was stabbed with needles to have bloods taken.  I was wheeled down to an MRI scanner.  I was manoeuvred into position to have a lumbar puncture done.  None of which was through my own choice.  It seemed like, once I was pushed through the hospital doors, I ceased to be a person with thoughts, opinions or choices.  It appeared to me, that I was expected to just do what I was told by the experts.  What happened to me being my own expert?  When did a medical professional’s bedside manner stop being about the patient and start being about the process?

Thank you for listening. Please review, share and follow Believe in ME with Rhona Barton via Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find your podcasts and remember that you can sign up to my mailing list by visiting my website at www.rhonabarton.co.uk or join the Believe in ME Community on Facebook by going to my facebook page (@rhonabartoncoaching)

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About the Podcast

Believe in ME with Rhona Barton
This podcast is all about ME. Each week I’ll bring you short manageable episodes that cover things from living with ME, understanding it, explaining it to others and learning how to love your life with it.

As somebody who lived with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) for almost 10 years, I’m passionate about offering hope and inspiration to others who are experiencing ME. I was bed-bound and wheelchair-bound with ME before finding my feet again and coming through the other side so believe me when I say, I understand what you’re going through.

If you are a woman living with ME, or you have recently been diagnosed with ME, then I’m here for you! I’ve been there, done that and I’ve not only got the t-shirt but I’ve worn holes in it too through all my trial and error!

So why don’t you join me? You can subscribe now to receive notifications of each episode and Season 1 launches on 16th May 2022 to round off ME Awareness Week.

Like, share and subscribe to Believe in ME with Rhona Barton via Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you find your podcasts.

Website: https://www.rhonabarton.co.uk/

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The Podcast Boutique Admin

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